Slack Guides

A Guide to Slack Marketing - Slack's Marketing Potential Revealed

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Like millions of other businesses, you must be using Slack for your internal communication. However, have you ever considered using Slack for marketing? If not, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. 

Slack marketing has become the next big thing. In a recent Forrester Consulting report, The Total Economic Impact™ of Slack for Marketing Teams, the researchers found the following: 

Findings of The Total Economic Impact™ of Slack for Marketing Teams report  ‍
Findings of The Total Economic Impact™ of Slack for Marketing Teams report
  • The surveyed companies experienced a 15% increase in completed annual campaigns upon using Slack. 
  • Digital Marketing efforts experienced a 9% boost in revenue per campaign. 
  • Slack also enhanced the onboarding and recruiting process for marketing teams. 

Cross-functional work is an integral part of marketing, which is why marketing teams require a ''digital headquarters'' where they can bring together people, tools, and processes to achieve their common objectives. Slack serves as the headquarters. Let's learn more about how it does so. 

Why Use Slack for Marketing 

Slack is one of the most efficient and converting marketing bots which helps reap instant results
Slack is one of the most efficient and converting marketing platforms which helps reap instant results

It is true that email marketing has gained exponential momentum and is the most popular means of marketing. Why use Slack instead? Here are some reasons. 

  • Efficient Team Collaboration: Siloes defeat the purpose of marketing, as marketing is all about teamwork. Slack facilitates this approach with its cross-functional channels. Think of it as a central hub for all marketing communication, where team members can brainstorm ideas, decide on templates, manage content, get real-time feedback, and carry out other various tasks related to marketing.
Team collaborations means both human and bot components are important to boost marketing productivity
Team collaborations means both human and bot components are important to boost marketing productivity
  • Easy Access to Customers: Slack Connect is a handy tool that you can use to manage support requests for customers. You can make relevant channels here to communicate with customers. The same channels where you resolve queries can also double as marketing avenues. Having an experienced team to handle clients will help in retention and personalized experience for each client.
Provide access to your desired target audience
Provide access to your desired target audience
  •  Streamlined Campaign Management: Slack's integration makes it a ''one-stop-shop'' for marketers. Instead of toggling between multiple tools, you can add relevant marketing apps to your Slack workflow. Some examples of apps in the Slack directory are Typeform, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Peel, Chatlio, BestSubjectLine, etc.
Improve and automate your marketing campaigns with Slack
Improve and automate your marketing campaigns with Slack

Businesses like Dow Jones, 1-800-Flowers, Cole Haan, and Hearst use Slack for marketing. So, you know you're in good company. You can check out the case studies for these businesses to see how they leverage Slack. 

How To Use Slack for Marketing? Use Cases Explained

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Slack is team communication. Marketing teams need to stay aligned with their strategies, and Slack provides the perfect platform for it. We'll start with communication and then go on to other use cases for Slack marketing. 

Use cases of Slack for marketing
Use cases of Slack for marketing

1. Optimize Marketing Performance 

Engage in extensive and marketing research so that you can optimize the process
Engage in extensive and marketing research so that you can optimize the process

Let's take two scenarios. In Scenario A, your marketing team is collaborating through a series of emails. The possible issues here are: 

  • Missed emails
  • Delayed responses
  • Lack of context awareness
  • Inability to track progress 
  • No central location for all marketing communication 

In Scenario B, you're using Slack. Here's how it addresses all the problems mentioned above: 

  • Real-time notifications
  • Instant responses
  • Conversations are saved in relevant channels for future reference (can be accessed through Slack logs
  • Integration with other tools to measure progress 
  • Central location for all marketing communication 

When you use Slack, you can partner with your sales team or track progress with the development team. All teams can work on the same key performance indicators (KPIs) with complete context awareness. In fact, in the Slack Customer Tracking Survey for 2021, 90% of marketers agreed that Slack improved company-wide information sharing. 

Slack has a useful handbook for marketing teams that you can check out here. If you have trouble aligning your marketing teams, Slack's webinar on using a combination of Smartsheet and Slack could be helpful. 

Besides intra-team communication, Slack allows easy collaboration with external partners or clients. You can use Slack Connect to reach out to potential leads. So, there's no disconnect between your marketing team and sales representatives or external stakeholders. 

2. Launch Products Successfully

If product launch is one of your Slack marketing objectives, you'll be happy to learn that Cole Haan credits Slack for speedy time-to-market. 

Christopher Newsome, the Senior Product Developer for Advanced Concepts at Cole Haan, explains that Slack makes approvals much faster. In an industry where trends come and go like the wind, being able to successfully deliver products to market in time is crucial. 

Here are some ways Slack helps Cole Haan launch its products faster: 

  • Less Friction: The spokesperson at Cole Haan says that Slack makes communications seamless. So, there's less friction in the company's 15-month go-to-market process. 
  • File Uploads: Unlike emails that have a cap on the file size you can send, Slack lets you upload large files. That made it easy for Cole Haan's marketing team to collaborate across departments and even countries. 
  • Integrations: Caroline Yi, a creative operations manager at Cole Haan, says that Slack has allowed the company to do ''four times as much work'' as they did previously. Integrations play a big role here. For instance, Cole Haan uses the Merch bot to pull up their product's dossier directly in Slack.
Slack marketing integrations
Slack marketing integrations

Your business can also take a leaf out of Cole Haan's book and use Slack to launch your products faster. 

3. Personalize Customer Onboarding 

Manage each customer better than marketing bots, research bots or other bot marketing elements through Slack management
Manage each customer better than marketing bots, research bots or other bot marketing elements through Slack management

As a SaaS business, customer satisfaction and retention would be among your primary concerns. Slack helps you keep your clients happy from the first touchpoint onward. 

Suppose you're a SaaS startup offering a project management tool. You cater to a wide range of customers in different industries, including healthcare, tech, retail, finance, etc. 

All these customers will have individual use cases for your product. So, it doesn't always make sense to feed them the same marketing messaging. Instead, you can create separate Slack channels for each industry and personalize your onboarding process. 

Why? Because 99% of marketers report that personalization advances customer relationships. Isn't that the dream? 

How Slack ties into this is simple. Let's stick to healthcare for this example. You can create a separate channel for healthcare professionals. Your team can share use cases, best practices, features, integrations, and tips that are specific to healthcare companies. 

Do the same for each industry. You can also share new product updates in these channels. Similarly, send feedback surveys to customers in their respective channels instead of emailing them. 

4. Get Customer Insights 

Discover what site visitors are looking for, and understand users demographics by engaging customers to gain insights
Discover what site visitors are looking for, and understand users demographics by engaging customers to gain insights

A big part of getting your marketing right is knowing what the customers want. You can learn that through Slack, too. 

Remember how we talked about integrations earlier? JustReply is one such customer support tool that you can use to resolve your customers' issues right through Slack. Once integrated, the support team will get notified of any new support tickets raised by customers in the relevant Slack channel. 

The team can then reply to these tickets directly through the Slack channel, keeping the conversation organized and easily accessible. On the one hand, this enables swift customer support. On the other hand, it creates a repository of customer data. 

Here are some insights you can get through this dedicated Slack channel: 

  • Which features customers are using the most
  • Which features customers are struggling with 
  • Which client types have more support tickets
  • How often do customers need support
  • Which channels are preferred by customers

Let's say your Slack customer support communications show that retail consumers struggle with a particular feature. You can leverage that information to improve the specific feature and then share the update in the relevant Slack channel for retail customers. 

5. Send Newsletters 

Enhance customer experience by sending them newsletters
Enhance customer experience by sending them newsletters

Do you know how many B2B marketers use email newsletters as a content marketing tactic? 81%, according to Content Marketing Institute research. Why should you stay behind? 

But instead of sending newsletters through email, you can share them on your Slack channel. You already have a channel where you share feature announcements and onboarding resources. 

Why not use that same channel to share newsletters and keep your customers updated with the latest company news and product updates? Again, you can use marketing tools or Slack's built-in analytics to see how many people are engaging with your newsletters and what kind of response you're getting. 

You can even ''segment'' customers by creating different channels for different segments based on industries or company size. Then, you may create personalized newsletters for each segment and share them on their respective channels. Targeted messaging could help drive a better response than a one-fits-all approach. 

6. Generate More Leads

Save time on looking for leads when Slack can do that for you
Save time on looking for leads when Slack can do that for you

Being a part of different channels and communities in Slack helps identify potential leads. Being in the space with the leads enables easy communication with them.

This direct engagement with potential leads in an informal setting allows them to explore the option of collaboration without any pressure.

Alternative to shared communities and channels is hosting webinars or online workshops to generate more leads. You can place invites across different channels and communities and invite people to join your workshop. This strategy not only helps in generating leads, but leads to higher conversions.

Get Your Slack Marketing Campaigns in Action

If you didn't consider marketing through Slack earlier, that's alright. You can start now. 

Here are some takeaways from the guide above that can help you curate a Slack marketing campaign: 

  • Businesses can use Slack to launch products, personalize onboarding, get customer insights, share newsletters, and more.
  • Slack marketing integrations are a goldmine and can bring your marketing efforts to the next level. There are 2600+ Slack integrations right now, and the number keeps growing with every passing day. 
  • Slack channels are for more than just communication. Use them to share product features, industry news, customer onboarding practices, tips, best practices, etc. 

The good news about these Slack marketing tactics is that they are not limited to a specific industry. They work in all sectors, from financial services and education to media and technology.

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